Boughton Leigh Junior School

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7 May 2020 (by admin)

Next week....

As we reach the end of another challenging week of social distancing the media is once again speculating as to what will happen next and what the government will announce on Sunday.

We are hoping that there will be some clear guidance and are expecting Government advice to help schools prepare for the safe return of some more pupils. However nothing, with regards to schools, will change on Monday! Home will remain the safest place for your children.

School is a very strange place with so few pupils and staff in an environment that is normally so vibrant. Like the rest of our community we are looking forward to a return to a new kind of normal but this will take time and planning to ensure that the children, community and staff are kept safe.

The staff will continue to create learning materials for all year groups to be accessed through our website for the foreseeable future.

Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you and your children again when this situation has come to an end. Until then stay at home and stay safe.