Boughton Leigh Junior School

Welcome to Our Website!

School Dinners

At Boughton Leigh Juniors we are proud to say we have an award winning kitchen! Our wonderful cook prepares fresh meals every day using high quality ingredients.


The children get 3 options daily and these menus are on 3 weekly rota which changes regularly.


Please click on the image below to see what is on offer on which days. There is also a jacket potato option with a variety of fillings.

The menus are set by Warwickshire Catering. 

Costs & Payment

School dinners will cost £2.65 per day, this can be paid daily, weekly or termly. Payment should be made in advance of the dates required.


Free School Meals

If you believe that you may be entitled to free school meals then you can apply for them by clicking here.

Pay360 Education Payments

We are pleased to let you know that at Boughton Leigh Junior School, we use ‘Pay360’ as our online payment provider.

We have found this to be a very convenient way of making payments without having to worry about cash or cheques, and reduces the chance of money being lost or mislaid.  We encourage all parents to consider using this system, but we do still accept payment by cash or cheque (cheques made payable to Boughton Leigh Junior School).